Blog 365 | I Felt Like I Belonged

“I felt like I belonged there.”

Mrs. MW and our girls have returned from Florida. They celebrated International Women’s Day by going on a fabulous vacation and leaving me at home. These women are metal!

While away, they stayed at two different hotels, which were lovely and fantastic. They liked them both very much, but Sherri let me know that she preferred the first one; she said, “I felt like I belonged there.” 

Sherri then told me everything that happened to her in the first twenty minutes of her visit. Every action, from subtle cues to overt gestures, was intended to drive one crystal-clear idea home.

You belong here.

I’m going to be writing a lot more about belonging. Count on it. In the meantime, consider this question. 

How do you make your clients feel like they belong there? 


Serious Shift Moment | Boundaries & Feeling The Burn